Gwen Moore Supports BadgerCare Coverage

Rep. Moore opposes Governor Walker's budget that would cause hardship to vulnerable populations.
Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C. – Today, as debate continues in the Wisconsin State Legislature surrounding state budget negotiations, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement in support of BadgerCare:
“Once again, all eyes are on the elected leaders of the State of Wisconsin, who are currently making critical decisions about whether or not to contract or expand existing BadgerCare coverage. 
“Governor Walker has proposed a budget that would change BadgerCare eligibility and deny coverage to 89,000 Wisconsin parents as well as 6,000 adults without dependent children. I fear for these individuals—for their health and their economic security. I am also concerned for the fate of the Family Planning Only program, and for the pregnant women currently receiving BadgerCare access to prenatal and post-natal care who would lose these benefits under the Walker proposal. Not even Wisconsin’s children could escape the Governor’s BadgerCare chopping block. Under his proposed policy change, 29,000 children would lose future coverage. 
“Today, I’m joining the statewide ‘Day of Action,’ where thousands will raise their voices in support of affordable health care access for our low-income populations, including thousands of women and children. The time has come for lawmakers to do all they can to improve the Governor’s proposals and preserve access to care for Wisconsinites. For the sake of our vulnerable communities, hospitals, health care providers, and our state’s health and economy—I implore the Wisconsin legislature to protect and expand current BadgerCare coverage.”
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