Gwen Moore Supports Higher Wages for America's Workforce

Last year, I was arrested in Milwaukee while protesting shoulder to shoulder with our city's fast-food workers during a nationwide strike to raise the minimum wage. Our message was clear: America's workers deserve better. Today, our message is amplified by the voices of students, teachers, parents, and those from the private and public sectors. Their collective support for a living wage and the right to collectively bargain can be heard from coast to coast, sending a clear message to America's workforce that we are in their corner. I am proud to be one of those voices.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to demonstrations across the country to spread awareness about the need to for a living wage and the right to collectively bargain, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement:

“Last year, I was arrested in Milwaukee while protesting shoulder to shoulder with our city’s fast-food workers during a nationwide strike to raise the minimum wage. Our message was clear: America’s workers deserve better. Today, our message is amplified by the voices of students, teachers, parents, and those from the private and public sectors. Their collective support for a living wage and the right to collectively bargain can be heard from coast to coast, sending a clear message to America’s workforce that we are in their corner. I am proud to be one of those voices.

"I stand with the brave activists back in Milwaukee and across the country who are speaking out today for a fair minimum wage of $15 an hour and the right to form a union. Over 55 million workers make less than $15 an hour, a wage too low to support a family. Minorities are particularly likely to make less than $15 an hour, including 54% of African American workers and 58% of Hispanic workers. 

"There are those who believe that the opportunity for prosperity and success should be exclusively for those with white-collar jobs, but nothing could be further from the truth. America’s workers – from fast-food employees and child care providers to educators and manufacturers – are the backbone of our nation’s economy. Despite their pivotal role in spurring economic growth and development, many of these workers struggle to provide the basics for their family. This is simply unacceptable."   


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