Gwen Moore Applauds President Obama on Domestic Violence Prevention

Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement saluting President Obama for his efforts to thwart domestic violence.


Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox 
(202) 225- 4572
Gwen Moore Applauds President Obama on Domestic Violence Prevention
Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement saluting President Obama for his efforts to thwart domestic violence: 
“I have long said domestic violence is a cancer that has infected our society, crossing all ethnic, socioeconomic and party lines. Recently, I introduced the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) legislation that would strengthen the ability of the Federal Government, States, law enforcement, and service providers to combat domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Unfortunately, this piece of common-sense legislation has been pushed into partisan corners.  
“Thankfully, our President does not allow current VAWA debates to cloud his judgment when dealing with issues of domestic violence. Today, the President directed federal agencies to develop policies for addressing domestic violence in the federal workforce. He understands that both the effects of domestic violence and the abuse itself can follow a victim to the workplace, negatively impacting office productivity and safety.    
“As the nation's largest employer, and an entity that employs many low and middle-income workers who critically need workplace protections, the Federal Government should serve as a model for domestic violence response within the private sector. 
“The new policies offered by the President, will build on ongoing efforts of federal agencies to improve workplace safety, and outline steps employers can take to provide support and assistance to employees whose lives are affected by domestic violence. As VAWA is waiting to be reauthorized, the Obama Administration is acting now to prevent domestic violence.” 
Rep. Moore has been a champion for domestic violence prevention efforts throughout her lifetime. She recently spoke on the House floor about her own experiences with domestic violence. Today, she released an op-ed explaining the importance of passing the Violence Against Women Act. To read this op-ed visit
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