Gwen Moore Responds to Attorney General Eric Holder's Retirement

The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is a great loss for our country. As one of the Obama Administration's leading progressive voices, Attorney General Holder led the charge in support of same-sex marriage, protecting our voting rights, and addressing the inequities in our criminal justice system. As the first African-American to serve as Attorney General, his honorable legacy of justice is nothing less than historic.
Eric Harris
(202) 341- 4293
Washington, DC -- Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement in response to Attorney General Eric Holder’s announcement that he will be resigning from the Department of Justice:
"The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is a great loss for our country. As one of the Obama Administration’s leading progressive voices, Attorney General Holder led the charge in support of same-sex marriage, protecting our voting rights, and addressing the inequities in our criminal justice system. As the first African-American to serve as Attorney General, his honorable legacy of justice is nothing less than historic.
"I have faith that President Obama will nominate a successor who not only shares Attorney General Holder's commitment to social justice, but one who will follow in his footsteps in tackling the pressing issues facing Americans today.
"From defending our country against acts of terror to protecting us against those who continue to target our civil rights, we owe Attorney General Holder our sincerest gratitude for his dedicated service to our nation. I wish him nothing but success in his future endeavors."

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