Moore Hails Executive Action to Curb Gun Violence

After years of political obstacles and partisan gridlock on the part of congressional Republicans, President Barack Obama is moving forward with a series of sensible executive actions aimed at curbing our nation's gun violence epidemic. I enthusiastically welcome this practical and measured response to the ongoing inaction in the House and Senate that has compromised the safety of communities across the United States.
Washington, D.C. – In response to President Obama’s executive actions to reduce gun violence, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:
“After years of political obstacles and partisan gridlock on the part of congressional Republicans, President Barack Obama is moving forward with a series of sensible executive actions aimed at curbing our nation’s gun violence epidemic. I enthusiastically welcome this practical and measured response to the ongoing inaction in the House and Senate that has compromised the safety of communities across the United States.
“I applaud the president for taking steps within his executive authority to stand against the powerful gun lobby and the right-wing ideologues they support. My House colleagues and I have worked to comprehensively address the mass violence that has plagued our country through the legislative process, but unfortunately, groups like the National Rifle Association have poured millions of dollars into blocking any such efforts. Simply put, Congress has ducked this critical issue for far too long. The time for action is upon us.
“Republicans will undoubtedly paint these reasonable actions as an attack against the Second Amendment, but nothing could be farther from the truth. On the contrary, this move by President Obama will help defend the rights of law abiding gun owners and responsible gun dealers from those who abuse and exploit our current system. Through common-sense measures like background checks, increased funding for more ATF agents, and strengthened domestic violence outreach efforts, we can make great strides in making our country a safer place to live and thrive. In addition to these executive actions, I call on representatives from both parties to enact meaningful reform that will prevent guns from ending up in dangerous hands.”

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