Dangerous GOP Bill Distorts Abortion Care

Let's expose this bill for what it really is: a partisan stunt. I can only hope that one day, Republicans will attack poverty with the same fervor used in their ongoing campaign to deny women access to safe and legal abortions. I call on my Senate colleagues to vote down this malicious legislation.
Washington, D.C. – In response to the House passage of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:
"The passage of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act is yet another attempt by my Republican colleagues to undermine the sacred relationship between a woman and her doctor. Much like the recently debunked videos attacking Planned Parenthood, this dangerous piece of legislation does nothing more than criminalize doctors, wildly distort abortion care, and interfere in the practice of medicine.
"Supporters of this extreme bill claim they care about enhancing women’s health, but nothing could be further from reality. The truth is, we could significantly improve health outcomes for women and their children by fully funding Title X – a vital federal program that provides comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services – but conservatives in the House have no interest in doing so.
"Let’s expose this bill for what it really is: a partisan stunt. I can only hope that one day, Republicans will attack poverty with the same fervor used in their ongoing campaign to deny women access to safe and legal abortions. I call on my Senate colleagues to vote down this malicious legislation."

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