Gwen Moore sees link between military culture and sexual assaults in military


By Tom Kertscher 
U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, a sexual assault victim, says the military culture is partly to blame for the level of sexual assaults in the military. 
"When you look at the mission of the military and military culture, which is about aggression and about war, it shouldn't surprise us at all that sexual assault would emerge as a huge issue that they need to look at," the Milwaukee Democrat told host Alex Witt on Sunday on MSNBC.
Moore added: "Again, if you're looking at a military culture of aggression and violence, I think it's very, very easy for it to seep over into sexual assault."
President Barack Obama promised last week to "leave no stone unturned" in an effort to halt the abuse. A Pentagon report says up to 26,000 military members may have been sexually assaulted last year.
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