For the record: Reaction to the Prop 8 arguments


Reaction to the Supreme Court oral arguments on Proposition 8, to the March 27 oral arguments on the Defense of Marriage Act and to the widespread push for marriage equality in the United States:
Openly gay U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis.: “The Supreme Court has an unparalleled opportunity … to move our country closer to our founding ideals of equality for all. …I am hopeful the court will reflect the rising momentum of support for marriage equality and vote to strike down these discriminatory laws that treat LGBT couples as second-class citizens. It has become increasingly evident that supporters of marriage equality have the country and the Constitution on our side.”
David Boies, attorney for the American Foundation for Equal Rights: “We had a thoughtful hearing. We appreciate the court's attention to this issue. It's now in the hands of the Supreme court. It's been a long journey here over the past three and a half years, and we are all greatly encouraged by the imminent decision. The remarkable thing that happened in there is that there was no attempt to defend the ban of gay and lesbian marriage – all that was discussed in there is whether this should be decided at the state level. But our federal constitution grants fundamental rights to all Americans.”
Baltimore Raven Brendon Ayanbadejo: “We're not going to stop until everyone can marry the person they love. We're not only strengthening the family unit and the communities with marriage equality, we're strengthening America. At the end of the day – love is always going to win the game.”
U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis.: “As we continue to work towards a more perfect union, we must insure that our union includes all people, no matter their gender, race, ethnicity – or as in these cases – sexual orientation. It is my sincere hope that the Supreme Court comes to see throughout these arguments the unconstitutionality of both California’s Prop. 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act and rule in favor of inclusion and not exclusion."
Openly lesbian U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.: "This week, the U.S. Supreme Court will listen to arguments in cases that will decide whether our country becomes more equal, not less. The court will decide whether gay American citizens can continue to be discriminated against simply because of who they love. On Wednesday, I look forward to being a witness to history as I am excited to have a chance to attend the U.S. Supreme Court proceedings. With these two historic cases, America’s highest court will have an opportunity to reflect the progress we have all witnessed across our country. They will have an opportunity to reaffirm our founding belief that all Americans are created equal under the law.” 
Skater Johnny Weir-Voronov: "Today's the day. Everyone deserves the same rights as their parents, coworkers, friends and enemies. We shall rise up."
Actress Alyssa Milano: "Changed my profile picture and header in support of marriage equality. Feel free to do the same!"
Model Cindy Crawford: "This week the #SupremeCourt will hear two cases on marriage equality. I say it’s #Time4Marriage! Join me and speak out for #equality."
U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va.: “Like so many of my generation, my views on allowing gay couples to marry have been challenged in recent years by a new, more open generation.”
U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.: “I support marriage equality because it is the fair and right thing to do. Like many Virginians and Americans, my views on gay marriage have evolved, and this is the inevitable extension of my efforts to promote equality and opportunity for everyone.”
Actor-activist Rob Reiner: “Today is a historic day for all those who believe in freedom and equality. After more than four years of working our case through victories at the federal District and Circuit courts, we finally had an opportunity today to present our arguments in support of marriage equality for gay and lesbian Americans before the highest court in the land. This case has always been about the love shared by two individuals and about the central promise from our nation’s founding that all men are created equal and are endowed with inalienable rights, including the pursuit of happiness.”
New Organizing Institute executive director Ethan Roeder: “Marriage equality is one of the great civil rights issues of our time, and something our community of organizers cares about deeply.”
Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin: “There's a lot to celebrate given that we've reached the tipping point on marriage equality. Families all over this country from coast to coast, in red states and in blue, believe in basic fairness and the freedom to marry the person you love. The right to marry the person you love has been upheld by the court 14 times in its history. It's a fundamental part of who we are as Americans.”
U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra, chair of the House Democratic Caucus: “We have reached a defining moment in our historic march for progress. What the Supreme Court will hear this week is what lower courts have already affirmed – no American should be denied equal protection under the Constitution. I believe history is on our side and our calls for justice will ultimately result in a victory for equality. Let’s continue our progress so that we uphold our most basic principles for all.”
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