New Hampshire's congresswomen tackle abortion coverage, flood insurance

WOMEN’S MEDICAL PRIVACY: Voting 192 for and 221 against, the House on Tuesday defeated a bid by Democrats to prevent HR 7 (above) from violating the medical privacy of any woman, including rape and incest victims, with respect to her choice or use of a health insurance policy.
The motion addressed privacy issues that could arise as insurance companies seek to document a woman’s claim to have been raped and thus eligible for taxpayer-funded abortion coverage under the 1976 Hyde Amendment.
That amendment bars federal funding of abortions except in cases of rape or incest or if the procedure is necessary to save the life of the mother.
Rep. Gwen Moore, a Wisconsin Democrat, said the bill “would force women in private health insurance to have to ‘justify’ their need for a full range of reproductive health care services, even if their life is in danger or if they have been the victim of sexual assault or incest.”
Blackburn said: “Privacy is an important issue, and we are concerned about that issue for all Americans,” adding “the first guarantee, the first right, is the right to life.”
A yes vote backed the Democratic motion.
Voting yes: Shea-Porter, Kuster.
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