At least two Wisconsin Republicans are fuming over President Obama's State-of-the-Union speech, hours before he delivers it tonight.  Congressman Reid Ribble of Sherwood says the Democrat Obama plans to take a partisan, campaign-style approach instead of extending an olive branch.  Wisconsin Senate Republican Ron Johnson of Oshkosh tells the Gannett News Service he doesn't like Obama addressing economic inequalities as he sees them.  Johnson calls it "class warfare" that does nothing to solve the country's real challenges.  The White House says Obama will sign an executive order raising the minimum wage for future federal contractors to $10.10-an-hour.  He'll also call for a higher national minimum wage with increases tied to inflation.  That's music to the ears of House Democrat Gwen Moore of Milwaukee.  She said Obama must tackle issues like the minimum wage, immigration reform, and access to early childhood education.  House Democrat Ron Kind of La Crosse said he wouldn't mind if Obama went above Congress' head to restore extended federal jobless benefits that expired in late December.  Wisconsin Senate Democrat Tammy Baldwin of Madison said the economic gap between people at the top and everybody else is the largest in 100 years -- and she hopes Obama will give the issue a voice.  Still, Baldwin and Ribble say there needs to be less bickering and more bipartisan cooperation on Capitol Hill. 
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