Wisconsin lawmakers call for federal recognition of gay marriages

By Cristina Marcos
Members of Congress from Wisconsin on Monday asked the Obama administration to formally recognize same-sex couples in their state.
A federal district judge invalidated Wisconsin's constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage earlier this month. Wisconsin Democrats Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Reps. Ron Kind, Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan said the federal government should allow the couples with marriage licenses to receive benefits.
"These loving couples have valid marriage licenses and should receive the same federal recognition that all other married Wisconsin couples currently do," they wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder.
The lawmakers further noted that the Obama administration earlier this year decided to federally recognize same-sex marriage in Utah and Michigan after judges struck down the states' bans.
"We are grateful for this tremendous leadership on behalf of fairness and equality. We ask that you similarly declare that those same-sex couples who married in Wisconsin since the June 6 decision are equally entitled to the federal benefits they deserve," they wrote.
Earlier Monday, the Obama administration announced that the president will sign an executive order to ban federal contractors from discriminating against employees based on sexual orientation.
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