Putting Milwaukee on the global map: The plan to double exports and create jobs for the city

By Julie Collins

MILWAUKEE (WITI) — The goal is create thousands of jobs for the Milwaukee area by 2019 — and the region plans to do that by doubling exports to other markets.

It’s a joint effort lead by the Milwaukee 7, an economic development group that began in June.

The goal is simple, think globally and double the amount of Milwaukee exports in the next five years.

“This project is really about growing the economy in the region. Giving people better jobs and really putting Milwaukee on the global map,” said Bill Burnett, Milwaukee 7.

This presentation by Milwaukee 7 outlines how to do that.

“People often think of exports as the big companies but really in our region exports out of small companies are critical to the growth in our economy,” said Burnett.

For example, Maxon Industries — a manufacturer of equipment used for mixing and transporting construction materials. They’ve been in business since the 1940’s and have relied heavily on exports since the 70’s.

“Export is a critical portion of our business, it can make up as much as 70-80% of our business on an annual basis,” said Bill Maxon, President of Maxon Industries.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Congresswoman Gwen Moore toured the facility — they got an up close look at just how important exporting has been for Maxon.

“Without export we probably don’t exist,” said Maxon.

But they couldn’t export without the help of Ex-Im Bank, a banking institution that works with small businesses to make sure they can export overseas.

“There’s a way to build jobs without building another stadium and another convention center, it’s helping and empowering the small businesses to reach global markets and add to their payroll,” said Fred Hochberg, President of Ex-Im Bank of United States.

Also at Friday’s meeting, JP Morgan Chase gave the Milwaukee 7 $100,000 to support the export plan.

The Global Cities Initiative will take years, but officials say we can expect to see some fruit from their labors within 2 years.

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