Violence Against Women Act: Gwen Moore Speaks Out


The House passed their version of the Violence Against Women Act on Wednesday, and Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) is not happy that the bill does not include protections for LGBT, Native American and undocumented immigrant women.
Moore has previously shared her personal story of being sexually assaulted as a child and raped as a young woman, and during a press conference this week she told reporters that her past makes the stripped-down bill particularly upsetting.
"One experience that I had, that occurred to me, that I thought of this morning, was a time that I took a ride with a guy that I thought was a friend to go to, to get some fried chicken," she said. "And he decided to take a detour behind some buildings to rape me and choke me almost to death."
"As woman of color, I am particularly aggrieved that this bill ignores the special circumstances of women who are minorities. Women who are in the shadows," Moore added.
The House bill passed 221-205 with the vote largely split along party lines. Just after it passed, Vice President Joe Biden released a statement urging Congress to pass a more inclusive measure.
"The House has passed a version of the Violence Against Women Act that will roll back critical provisions to help victims of abuse," he said. "I urge Congress to come together to pass a bipartisan measure that protects all victims. VAWA has been improved each time it's been reauthorized, and this time should be no different."
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