House Democrats Gather For Violence Against Women Act


By Ben Terris
Before introducing the Violence Against Women Act on Wednesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said, “All Americans are entitled to feel safe in their workplace, in their homes, and walking on our street.”
“Yet too many women continue to live in fear. And that is why we must reauthorize, and strengthen and pass the Violence Against Women Act,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said at a news conference with House Democrats.
Pelosi may have introduced the subject, but it was Rep. Gwen Moore’s emotional testimony that struck a chord.
“My own experience has been that violence has been a thread throughout my entire life,” Moore, D-Wis., said in describing repeated sexual assaults and rapes as she grew up. "People, we have got to come together to stop this.”
The bill reauthorizes the bill first introduced in 1994. It helps provide, among other things, legal assistance for victims and transitional housing grants.
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