Members Of Wisconsin Congressional Delegation Ask Feds For Voter ID Review

by Laurel White
Members of Wisconsin's congressional delegation are asking the U.S. Department of Justice to review Wisconsin’s voter ID law.
U.S. Sen Tammy Baldwin and U.S. Reps. Ron Kind, Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday, asking her department to determine whether the law is consistent with the federal Voting Rights Act and constitutional protections.They're also asking the DOJ to review any potential actions it could take against the law, including bringing a legal challenge or intervening in existing lawsuits. There are two voter ID lawsuits in the courts right now. 
"The barriers these requirements have set up and the harmful impact they have had for many Wisconsin voters demonstrate that now is the time for a full and thorough review of the constitutionality of the voter ID law," the letter read.
Wisconsin’s voter ID law saw its first major test during last month's presidential primary after years of being tied up by legal challenges. The letter references media reports on long lines and other challenges that voters, particularly students, experienced during the election. 
Opponents of the voter ID law say it's intended to discourage youth and minority participation in elections. Proponents say the law prevents voter fraud.
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