Dozens arrested at US wage protests

By Joseph Pisani
NEW YORK — Police handcuffed nine protesters in Boston and dozens of others in cities across the country who blocked traffic Thursday in their latest attempt to escalate efforts to get fast-food companies to pay employees at least $15 an hour.
The protests, which were planned by labor organizers for about 150 cities nationwide throughout Thursday, are part of a campaign called ‘‘Fight for $15.’’
Since the efforts began in late 2012, organizers have switched up their tactics every few months to bring attention to the protests, which have attracted spotty crowds. Organizers previously said they planned to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience Thursday, which they predicted might lead to arrests.
In New York, 19 people were arrested Thursday for blocking traffic, with at least three people wearing McDonald’s uniforms taken away by police officers after standing in the middle of a busy street near Times Square. About two dozen protesters were detained in Detroit after they wouldn’t move out of a street near a McDonald’s restaurant. Others were apprehended by police in Chicago, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami, and Denver.
In Milwaukee, Democratic US Congresswoman Gwen Moore was taken away in handcuffs by police for blocking traffic at a McDonald’s.
“I take great pride in supporting Milwaukee workers as they risk arrest in pursuit of a brighter tomorrow for their families,” Moore said in a statement through her communications director, Eric Harris.
Tyree Johnson also was among those hauled away in Chicago. Johnson earns $8.45 an hour after working at a Chicago McDonald’s for more than two decades. ‘‘I’ve been there 22 years, and I can’t help my family,’’ he said.
The ‘‘Fight for $15’’ campaign, which is backed financially by the Service Employees International Union and others, comes at a time when the wage gap between the poor and the rich has become a hot political issue. Many fast-food workers do not make much more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, which adds up to about $15,000 a year for 40 hours a week.
The protests have not resulted in workers getting higher wages, but it has gotten media coverage. In Chicago, for instance, reporters observed supporters arriving on buses and sitting on a street between a McDonald’s and Burger King, chanting: ‘‘We shall not be moved.’’
“The impact is in bringing it into the public attention,” said Chris Rhomberg, an associate professor of sociology at Fordham University in New York.
President Obama has taken notice, too. He mentioned the campaign at a Labor Day appearance in Milwaukee. ‘‘If I were busting my butt in the service industry and wanted an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work, I’d join a union,’’ Obama said, as he pushed Congress to raise the minimum wage.
The National Restaurant Association said in a statement that the protests are an attempt by unions to ‘‘boost their dwindling membership.’’
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