Governor Walker -- Cutting More From Medicaid Than Any Other State in the Nation

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 By Rep. Gwen Moore Governor Scott Walker has done it again. He has made national news, made a splash -- and certainly established his bona fide conservative credentials once more. But his actions come at a great cost for Wisconsin's low-income families and individuals. Most Wisconsinites are aware that Wisconsin, under the leadership of Governor Walker, has decided to…

This Week in Poverty: Chairman Ryan and the Real World

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 By Greg Kaufmann Yesterday, at a House Budget Committee hearing entitled “War on Poverty: A Progress Report,” Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee used her allotted time to try to discredit the sole Democratic witness, Sister Simone Campbell. Sister Simone is the executive director of NETWORK, a national Catholic social justice lobby, but she is…

Congressional Progressive Caucus call to end wage theft, and raising minimum wage

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 By Lynda Jones Back in May, hundreds of Milwaukee fast-food and retail workers rallied and marched a one-day protest to demand higher wages and better work conditions from these employers. This week, three members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus including Wisconsin’s own Congresswoman Gwen Moore joined fast-food and retail workers to call for an end to wage…

Rally calls for minimum-wage increase

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 Wisconsin House Democrat Gwen Moore held a rally in Milwaukee yesterday to round up support for a higher minimum wage. She was joined by fellow House Democrats Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Danny Davis of Illinois as part of a national campaign called “Raise Up.” Ellison said President Obama took a good first step by proposing a hike in the federal minimum wage…

Gwen Moore, others call for raising minimum wage

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 By Akbar Ahmed In May, more than 200 Milwaukee fast-food and retail workers staged a one-day protest to demand higher wages. Michael Vanga, 18, was among them. He has been working at a local Taco Bell for less than a year, and earns $7.50 an hour. He is the only wage-earner in his household; both his parents are jobless. The family is moving to a home with lower rent, but…

Rep. Gwen Moore to push higher minimum wage in "tweet chat"

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 By Tom KertscherU.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) will participate in a "tweet chat" on Twitter to promote raising the federal minimum wage.The chat is set for noon to 1 p.m Tuesday. It is sponsored by the National Women's Law Project.The federal minimum wage for all workers is $7.25, and $2.13 for tipped workers. The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013 would guarantee…

$500-billion farm bill rejected in U.S. House

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Congressman Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) says he voted down a “flawed” and “inadequate” five-year farm bill that was “bad for farmers and bad for taxpayers.” The La Crosse Democrat, who represents one of the largest agricultural districts in the country, had offered an amendment on crop insurance reform.“Under the current program, these crop insurance…

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