Walker requests Wisconsinites be allowed to buy healthcare outside Federal exchange

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  By Alexa Ardis   After proposing an extension for BadgerCare Thursday, Gov. Scott Walker authored letters to U.S. health officials requesting Wisconsinites be allowed to buy health care plans outside the federal exchange using tax credits. Walker said in the letter that federal officials have “repeatedly” denied flexibility in administering…

Rep. Gwen Moore: The Affordable Care Act will survive

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  By Rep. Gwen Moore  Same antics; different day. It seems the mantra for many has become “the Affordable Care Act must die at all costs.” From October 1 until October 16, House Republicans shut down our federal government – costing our economy billions of dollars, needlessly shaking consumer confidence and hurting American families – all…

CBC Today: Ray Baker Interviews Rep. Gwen Moore on the Budget Battle

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  By Ray Baker  With the government shutdown now over, the two houses of Congress come together for a conference committee in an attempt to pass a budget. Correspondent Ray Baker sat down with House Budget Committee member Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) for her take on the budget battle.   To view this article online, please click here.

Food stamp program undergoes funding changes

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  By Alexa Ardis   With the end of funding from the 2009 stimulus bill, a new report revealed 47 million Americans using food stamps will have less money per month to buy meals. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly called food stamps, gives assistance in buying groceries for low-income individuals and families throughout the United States,…

Rep. Moore: WIC funding at risk if government shutdown lingers

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  By Chris Conley It's Day-Two of the federal government's partial shutdown, with no end in sight as the two parties stand their ground. For Wisconsin, it has meant more limited recreation opportunities with the closings of national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges -- a reduction of in-state troops with the furloughs of 840 National Guard members and 900…

House approves contentious bill to cut food stamp program

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  By Jim Myers Washington — The U.S. House narrowly approved a contentious bill Thursday to cut the nation's food stamp program by roughly $39 billion over 10 years. Wisconsin Democrats warned that thousands of the state's poorest would be kicked off its rolls; state Republicans embraced it as a path to much-needed reforms. Approved by a vote of…

Republicans Continue Ruthless Crusade Against The Poor With Food Stamp Cuts

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 By Rep. Gwen Moore   In a recovering economy, one would think that our legislators would do everything in their power to assist struggling Americans. For the past five years, ordinary people have been trying to keep their heads above water in the midst of mounting foreclosures, historic unemployment levels and rising levels of food insecurity. Yet this week in the…

Wisconsin lawmakers call for changes in public assistance programs

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 Response comes after investigation reveals undue pressure to approve applicants By Raquel Rutledge   For the second time since July, Wisconsin lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are scrambling for solutions to plug holes in the state's public assistance programs and promising action to shore up oversight to better prevent fraud. State Sen. Glenn…

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