In Defense of Teachers and Public Education

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In Defense of Teachers and Public Education The Nation   Teaching is a calling that runs in my family. My mother and my aunt were public school teachers, as are two of my siblings and my daughter. I am a proud product of public schools, and, for me, education served as a great equalizer. I often call myself a “sociological miracle,” and the truth is, a high-quality public…

Congress Must Address America's Obesity Crisis

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Congress Must Address America's Obesity Crisis Newsweek By: Reps. Gwen Moore and Brad Wenstrup The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval of highly effective anti-obesity medications is changing the lives of millions of Americans—and changing how we perceive one of our most prevalent chronic diseases. Forty-two percent of adults in the U.S. live with obesity. This condition…

My Family Struggled With Hunger. If Congress Won’t Fully Fund WIC, Millions More Will, Too

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Op-ed: My Family Struggled With Hunger. If Congress Won’t Fully Fund WIC, Millions More Will, Too Growing up, I was an A student, president of the Student Council, and poor. However, benefits my mother received made me ineligible for free lunch. As a result, I often went without breakfast or lunch entirely. I would find myself eating leftovers from other people’s plates. One…

Caregiving is not only a labor of love — it is labor. It is work.

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Caregiving is not only a labor of love - it is labor. It is work. When we seek caregivers for our babies at a daycare, we pay the providers. When we hire caregivers for our loved ones at a nursing home facility or home, we pay the caregivers. We place critical trust in those who care for our loved ones. While a family caregiver caring for their loved one may not be on someone’s payroll,…

Supreme Court will consider whether to uphold protections for survivors of domestic violence

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Supreme Court will consider whether to uphold protections for survivors of domestic violence Opinion by Reps. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.), Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) and Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), opinion contributors For survivors of domestic abuse, federal protections can mean the difference between life and death. And as members of Congress, we recognize on an intimate level how…

Social Security’s Cost-of-Living Adjustments Must Not Come at the Expense of Americans’ Other Basic Needs

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Social Security’s Cost-of-Living Adjustments Must Not Come at the Expense of Americans’ Other Basic Needs Blessed be the name of the federal government—it giveth and it certainly knows how to taketh away. And if you are one of the nearly 9 million Americans who receive Social Security and SNAP, the government certainly can taketh away. For those Americans, Social Security’s…

Restore the enhanced Child Tax Credit to improve health and educational outcomes

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Restore the enhanced Child Tax Credit to improve health and educational outcomes The greatest return on investment we can make is in our children. The Child Tax Credit is one of the most, if not the most, successful policy when it comes to helping ensure families can provide and support children.   And in the American Rescue Plan, Democrats expanded this critical tool and…

Making Home Ownership Inclusive and Accessible for Every American

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Making Home Ownership Inclusive and Accessible for Every American  Newsweek - Rep. Gwen Moore and Rep. Jim Himes Housing is life-sustaining. It's where you and your family build roots in a community, create a village you can depend on, and build a positive and nurturing environment for your children. It is also traditionally the vehicle by which Americans have accumulated wealth.…

The Maternal Mortality Crisis Is Personal. What Will It Take for Us To Act?

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The Maternal Mortality Crisis Is Personal. What Will It Take for Us To Act?   A U.S. crisis has been taking women and their babies for too long. It’s time to treat maternal mortality like the emergency that it is. When I was 18, I gave birth to my daughter in a respectable, accredited hospital. However, I left feeling traumatized and violated when a dozen or more male medical…

Kenosha is Charlottesville

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Keonsha is Charlottesville Urban Milwaukee Three years ago, I watched with horror the video footage of a right-wing “Unite the Right” protester intentionally slamming his car into a group of people in Charlottesville, VA, violently striking multiple peaceful counter- protesters and killing Heather Heyer. Unite the Right was organized by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, militias,…

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