Dems feast on Ryan budget

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 By Larry Bivins  WASHINGTON — When Mitt Romney announced Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential pick last August, Democrats seemed barely able to control their glee, so delighted they were by the opportunity to make the congressman’s budget plans a focal point of the 2012 presidential race. And when Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, announced…

Stronger Violence Against Women Act signed into law

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 By Maya Rhodan  When Rep. Gwen Moore [D-Wisc.] stood near President Obama last Thursday as he signed the Violence Against Women Act into law, as a rape survivor, she knew the benefit of the legislation as well as well as anyone in the room. “I am so pleased to join President Obama and so many of my colleagues for this historic signing,” she said.…

Stronger Violence Against Women Act signed into law

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 By Maya Rhodan WASHINGTON (NNPA) —   When Rep. Gwen Moore [D-Wisc.] stood near President Obama last Thursday as he signed the Violence Against Women Act into law, as a rape survivor, she knew the benefit of the legislation as well as well as anyone in the room. “I am so pleased to join President Obama and so many of my colleagues for this historic…

CBC member trusts Obama to tap •most qualified for Cabinet

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 By Daniel Strauss   Congressional Black Caucus member Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) on Wednesday said she trusted President Obama to pick the “most qualified, experienced’ people to serve in his Cabinet.Moore’s comments came after CBC Chairwoman Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) in a letter said earlier this week that she was concerned that Obama had yet to…

Gwen Moore on Paul Ryan, budget: Lot of negotiating thatll have to be done with this joker

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 By David Sherfinski  Rep. Gwen Moore slammed the proposed budget plan of Rep. Paul Ryan as a “polemic” and handed him a backhanded compliment for offering his “firmest offer” for the start of negotiations. “The thing that I think is really disappointing is that it’s a polemic versus any kind of policy statement of principles,”…

Stronger Violence Against Women Act Signed into Law

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 By Maya Rhodan  WASHINGTON (NNPA) – When Rep. Gwen Moore [D-Wisc.] stood near President Obama last Thursday as he signed the Violence Against Women Act into law, as a rape survivor, she knew the benefit of the legislation as well as well as anyone in the room. “I am so pleased to join President Obama and so many of my colleagues for this historic…

Native Sun News: South Dakota Republicans vote against VAWA

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 By Brandon Ecoffey WASHINGTON —The US House of Representatives on Thursday Feb 28, voted 286 to 138 to re-authorize a version of the Violence Against Women Act that included provisions that strengthen tribal courts. The bill which was allowed to expire in 2011, garnered national attention when several republican law makers including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor…

Aint They Women?

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 The Senate’s version of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 was approved by the House on Thursday, Feb. 28 but not until Democratic members of Congress spoke out against the plan proposed by the House, which excluded women of Native American ancestry and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people. “I pray that this body will do as the Senate has done and come…

Moore and Lee: Female Voices Boost Violence Against Women Act

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 By Rep. Gwen Moore and Barbara Lee Domestic violence and sexual assault transcend every age, every socioeconomic status, and every educational background. It sees neither color nor creed. Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or nationality, violence against women has completely pervaded our society. Many women are forced to suffer in silence, but late last week…

No One Should Have to Live in Fear of Violence

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 By Valerie Jarrett Today, President Obama signed a bill that both strengthened and reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Thanks to this bipartisan agreement, thousands of women and men across the country who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking will be able to access resources they need in their communities to help…

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