More is Moore

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  Gwen Moore’s eccentric style is well-suited for Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District, but could it work on a larger stage?  By Allison Copenbarger Vance   Before Gwen Moore took the podium at the Washington Park Senior Center for a speech this fall, she did a little dance and blew a kiss to the audience. “It’s such a privilege…

Friday Talking Points: Harry Reids Explosive Week

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  By Chris Weigant   We still have two quick Honorable Mention awards to hand out before we get to the big story, though. Both are for introducing legislation, and the first goes to Representative Gwen Moore, for her "Domestic Violence Criminal Disarmament Act," which would remove guns from domestic violence criminals. The second goes to Representative…

The Bottom Line Goes to Washington, D.C. Part II

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  By Mike Strehlow & John Cuoco  Washington, D.C.--  Several members of Congress from Wisconsin are playing key roles in a bipartisan effort to avoid another government shutdown next January.  Republican Representative Paul Ryan is a co-chair of the Budget Conference Committee which has a December 13th deadline to submit its recommendations to the…

Standing Up for Victims of Domestic Violence : the Domestic Violence Criminal Disarmament Act

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  By Rep. Gwen Moore  Just over a year ago, our country mourned for the tragic loss of Zina Daniel. Zina was shot and killed by her estranged husband while at work in the Azana Salon and Spa in Brookfield, Wisconsin. She was a mother of two daughters and was well loved by her family and the community. Last month, I met with Zina's brother, Elvin, who is a National…

The Bottom Line Goes to Washington, D.C. Part I

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  By Mike Strehlow & John Cuoco Washington, D.C.-- CBS 58 traveled to Washington, D.C. to ask tough questions and get straight answers on the issue of health care reform from Wisconsin lawmakers serving on both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill. "It's doing a lot of damage to the livelihoods of Wisconsinites," Republican Congressman Paul Ryan told…

Walker requests Wisconsinites be allowed to buy healthcare outside Federal exchange

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  By Alexa Ardis   After proposing an extension for BadgerCare Thursday, Gov. Scott Walker authored letters to U.S. health officials requesting Wisconsinites be allowed to buy health care plans outside the federal exchange using tax credits. Walker said in the letter that federal officials have “repeatedly” denied flexibility in administering…

Rep. Gwen Moore: The Affordable Care Act will survive

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  By Rep. Gwen Moore  Same antics; different day. It seems the mantra for many has become “the Affordable Care Act must die at all costs.” From October 1 until October 16, House Republicans shut down our federal government – costing our economy billions of dollars, needlessly shaking consumer confidence and hurting American families – all…

CBC Today: Ray Baker Interviews Rep. Gwen Moore on the Budget Battle

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  By Ray Baker  With the government shutdown now over, the two houses of Congress come together for a conference committee in an attempt to pass a budget. Correspondent Ray Baker sat down with House Budget Committee member Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) for her take on the budget battle.   To view this article online, please click here.

Letter: State delegates praised for vote on Iran bill

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  By Arnold Peltz  As the U.S. Congress wrapped up work before the August recess, the House of Representatives voted to approve the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act (H.R. 850). The bill passed by a bi-partisan majority of 400-20, with every member of Wisconsin’s delegation voting in favor. Wisconsin, and the rest of Congress, sent a strong message to the…

On ENDA, Dems plan on playing the •shame card

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Tags: LGBT

  By Ginger Gibson House Democrats have a plan to advance a gay rights bill that Speaker John Boehner has already declared dead: shaming Republicans. It’s a strategy that has worked well for Democrats in the past. A campaign to pressure Republicans into reauthorizing an expanded version of the Violence Against Women Act forced the leadership to put the bill on…

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