House rebuffs bid to limit congressional review of CFPB

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  By Cristina Marcos The House on Tuesday rejected a proposal to limit GOP efforts to review Consumer Financial Protection Bureau spending. Rep. Gwen Moore's (D-Wis.) amendment to the fiscal 2015 Financial Services appropriations bill would strike a provision that allows for transfers of funds from the Federal Reserve to the CFPB to be reviewed by…

Wisconsin congresswoman asks Justice Dept. to help prevent gun violence in Milwaukee

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   Democratic U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore of Milwaukee has asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to partner with local officials to reduce and prevent gun violence in Milwaukee. Moore, on July 14, said, “Gun violence is a plague that steals the lives of far too many in our community. Each time we lose a life, our hearts break and the violence continues." She…

Delegation mostly unified over workforce bill

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 By Nicole Duran All eight of Wisconsin's House members voted for a job-training bill last week, sending it to President Barack Obama's desk for signing. When the measure came before the Senate last month, all but three senators, including Oshkosh Republican Ron Johnson supported it.  The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act attempts to streamline the…

Congressional Art Competition Winner Comes to Washington!

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  By Congresswoman Gwen Moore  Each year, I am so proud to host the annual Congressional Art Competition, "An Artistic Discovery," for high school students from the 4th Congressional District. Since 1982, this nationwide visual arts contest has been fostering artistic talent, among our youth, in each participating congressional district. Winners from my…

The Successful 150-Year-Old Model

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  By Lori Sokol  "I wish there were no longer a need for organizations such as ours," says Dara Richardson-Heron, M.D., CEO of the YWCA USA. "I truly wish that we could have put ourselves out of business many years ago." And, after 150 years, who could blame her? The YWCA model, which was created over a century-and-a-half ago to eliminate racism,…

Voces de la Frontera: Statement: President Obama has no reason to delay executive action

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  Contact: Joe Shansky, Voces de la Frontera 414.795.3380,  MILWAUKEE, WI- In reaction to President Obama's immigration statement today, Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera, issued the following statement: "Today for the first time, the President promised to act independently of a failed Congress to modernize…

Wis. Dem members hammer Burwell v. Hobby Lobby decision

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  Dem members of Wisconsin's congressional delegation today slammed the U.S. Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling allowing certain companies to opt out of contraceptive coverage for employees.  "The owners of Hobby Lobby, a for-profit arts and crafts store, and Conestoga Wood, a for-profit wood furniture manufacturer, should have no voice when it comes to…

Wisconsin reacts to Hobby Lobby ruling

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  By Wisconsin Gazette   The U.S. Supreme Court on June 30 ruled that some for-profit private corporations, including the arts and crafts chain Hobby Lobby, can deny coverage of birth control to their employees based on the religious beliefs of the business owners. The 5-4 decision of the court brought this reaction from Tanya Atkinson, vice president of public…

Moore, Duffy outline views on Export-Import Bank debate

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  By Nicole Duran  MOORE, DUFFY OUTLINE VIEWS ON EXPORT-IMPORT BANK DEBATE  The latest bane of Tea Party-leaning Republicans is the Export-Import Bank, which helps U.S. companies finance exports.  They want to shutter the 80-year-old bank, whose congressional charter expires Sept. 30, saying it's a waste of taxpayer money that picks winners and…

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