House Dems: Financial safeguards needed in trade deal

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By Vicki NeedhamFour House Democrats on Monday urged the Obama administration to ensure that a pending Asia-Pacific trade deal includes strong capital controls that would help minimize the damaging effects of financial crises.The lawmakers want the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to give governments more flexibility to protect the stability of their financial systems by stemming the flow…

Members of Congress Call on FIFA to Raise Womens Soccer Wages

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By Benjamin SiegelAt least two members of Congress are calling on equal pay for female soccer players following the US Women's National Team's commanding World Cup win Sunday night.Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) penned a letter to FIFA President Joseph Blatter Monday calling on the embattled FIFA leader to raise payouts for female soccer players.Despite the 5-2…

Thats what she said: Top 10 Tweets from women in politics this week

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By Zoe ElfenbeinWomen around the world are making a difference in politics every day – and many are letting it known on social media all the time. Here’s what caught our eye on Twitter this week:1. Debbie Wasserman Schultz New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s slogan might be “Telling it like it is,” but congresswoman and Democratic National Committee…

Combating Infant Mortality: The Impact of Maternal Education on Perinatal Outcomes

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by Gwen MooreIt is vital for us to understand and spread awareness about the risk of infant mortality and what we can do to prevent it, for the infant mortality rate of any community is a reflection of the health, strength, and vitality of its people. The surest way to combat infant mortality is by ensuring that women receive adequate essential healthcare services before, between, and…

Mental illness is an affliction, not a crime. Police must stop killing suffering citizens

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By Gwen MooreThe life of a man with schizophrenia, 31-year-old Dontre Hamilton, ended after he was struck by 14 bullets from a Milwaukee police officer’s handgun on 30 April 2014. The lethal confrontation sparked a firestorm in my city, resulting in several massive protests and the notification of the National Guard. A year later, many of my constituents still ask what is being done…

Kind drafts resolution in support of Wisconsin Idea

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By Tribune staffU.S. Rep. Ron Kind is calling on state lawmakers to preserve the “Wisconsin Idea” as a key part of the University of Wisconsin system. The La Crosse Democrat introduced a resolution Wednesday — cosponsored by fellow House Democrats Marc Pocan and Gwen Moore — recognizing the importance of the university’s mission statement, which Gov.…

We have to do better: Dontre Hamiltons family supports effort to pay for mental health training

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By Katie Delong and Jenn SachsMILWAUKEE — Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-Wisconsin) wants the federal government to help pay for more mental health training for police officers, and her efforts have already found some success. The effort began in downtown Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Park. That’s where 31-year-old Dontre Hamilton was shot and killed by former Milwaukee Police…

Food stamps for filet mignon? Hardly

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By Gwen Moore When you're trying to feed your family and stretch a dollar, steaks and short ribs don't make it to your grocery list. As one of nine siblings in a low-income household in Wisconsin, I saw my mother make a habit of buying inexpensive stewing meat for us. These tough cuts of beef came in handy when shopping on a budget, but if Missouri lawmakers have their way,…

Congress awaits monumental police reform as mandatory kill count advances

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By Jon Swaine and Oliver LaughlandWashington lawmakers have credited a Guardian investigation to count killings by police with building momentum on long-stalled law-enforcement reform and renewed efforts to force the US government to establish a comprehensive database of officers’ lethal use of force. As members of Congress sought to turn a patchwork of proposals into a…

U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore rips Sheriff Clarke and Fox News over policing debate

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By Craig GilbertWriting in the Daily Beast Friday, House Democrat Gwen Moore of Milwaukee assails Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. and his “flagrant grandstanding” on Fox News, accusing the sheriff of purveying inflammatory and ugly rhetoric in the debate over the relationship between policing and African-American communities. “The country is just now getting to know…

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