House Republicans Create Special Committee To Harass Planned Parenthood

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by Jennifer BenderyWASHINGTON -- House Republicans created a special committee on Wednesday to investigate abortions, fetal tissue procurement and the use of federal funds at Planned Parenthood.Lawmakers voted 242-184 on a resolution establishing the committee, which will function as an Energy and Commerce subcommittee and will have the power to subpoena documents and testimony. Its…

As DOL fiduciary heats up, both sides dig in

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by Mark Schoeff Jr.The battle over a Labor Department proposal to raise investment advice standards for retirement accounts reached a new level of nasty last week, as supporters and opponents dug in for months of fighting ahead.Over the course of a few days, the author of a bill that would stop the rule lashed out at Democrats for backing away from her measure, a prominent senator forced…

CBC Members Defend Planned Parenthoods Work in Black Communities

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By Lauren Victoria BurkeAs Republicans in the House try and figure out a new way to defund Planned Parenthood after Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced he would resign on October 31, some Democrats in the House are moving to protect the organization.On Monday on Capitol Hill, two members of Congress introduced reporters to three people who said Planned Parenthood greatly assisted them…

Dems press GOP leaders to quickly revive Ex-Im

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By Vicki NeedhamFour House Democrats on Tuesday urged congressional leaders to immediately vote on legislation that would reopen the Export-Import Bank.Led by Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.), the group sent a letter to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) arguing that all sizes of U.S. businesses are feeling the negative effects of the…

Congresswoman Pushes Back Against Paul Ryans Welfare Reform With Her Own Plan

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By Bryce CovertFirst, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) laid out his vision for how to help America’s poorest. Now a colleague from the same state has laid out hers and challenged him to back up his rhetoric.Last week, Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore re-introduced the RISE Out of Poverty Act, which would significantly overhaul the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program,…

Iran nuclear deal deserves sensible debate

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By Gwen MoreAs one of the most significant foreign policy decisions of our time, the urgency of the Iran nuclear deal demands balanced consideration and sensible reflection from Congress. Sadly, some of the agreement's opponents have no interest in a thoughtful debate. Their objective is clear: defeat the deal by arousing fear.The historic nuclear agreement between Iran and…

Milwaukee is drowning in a sea of gun violence and Scott Walker wants to make it worse

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By Gwen MooreWhat do you do when the largest city in your state is quickly drowning in a sea of violent shootings? If you’re Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, the answer is simple: water down your existing gun laws.Last month, one of the newest Republicans to join the presidential race traveled to my hometown of Milwaukee to celebrate his recent victory for the National Rifle…

The 20 members of Congress going to Africa with Obama

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By Politico StaffTwenty members of Congress — 19 Democrats and one Republican, Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona — are accompanying President Barack Obama on his trip to Kenya and Ethiopia.According to the White House, half of the lawmakers will fly on Air Force One to Kenya, and the other half will return on the presidential plane on the way back from Ethiopia. The group includes…

Gwen Moore, Tammy Baldwin urge action on federal Dontre Hamilton review

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By Ashley LuthernCongresswoman Gwen Moore and Sen. Tammy Baldwin have sent a letter expressing concern about the slow pace of the federal review into the fatal officer-involved shooting death of Dontre Hamilton to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch.The letter comes one week after Hamilton's family publicly expressed the same frustration.Hamilton, 31, was shot on April…

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