Lawmakers call for gun reform following mass shootings

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Lawmakers call for gun reform following mass shootings CBS 58, Brendan Cullerton After two mass shootings rocked Texas and Ohio, politicians in those state's said enough is enough with current U.S. gun laws. "[We need to make] sure that we change our laws, so it is harder for something like this to happen again," presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke said. Rep Gwen Moore, D-WI, noted…

House bill would restore federal aid for students with marijuana offenses

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House bill would restore federal aid for students with marijuana offenses Education Dive, Natalie Schwartz Dive Brief: Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would allow students with marijuana convictions to keep their federal financial aid. Under the legislation, students would retain aid for six months while they…

ICE protesters block federal building in Milwaukee

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ICE protesters block federal building in Milwaukee Sal Sendik, TMJ4         MILWAUKEE — Dozens of people protested Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and border detention centers Thursday by blocking vehicle exits at a federal office building in Milwauke Beginning shortly after 9 a.m., community members began…


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VIDEO HIGHLIGHTING MILWAUKEE’S CHARM MARKS ONE YEAR COUNTDOWN TO 2020 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION Milwaukee Independent On July 16, the Milwaukee 2020 Host Committee for the Democratic National Convention released a video to officially mark the one-year countdown to the convention. The four-minute video, featuring elected officials representing Wisconsin, local business…

Wisconsin's Congressional Delegation weighs in on Mueller

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Brendan Cullerton CBS 58 Wisconsin only had one member of Congress actually involved in Wednesday's testimony from Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Menomonee Falls. Sensenbrenner, on the House Judiciary Committee, asked Mueller what the point of his role was without delivering a decisive verdict on potential charges for President Donald Trump. "Since you…

Mueller Has Provided Congress With Everything It Needs to Impeach Trump

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John Nichols The Nation Special counsel Robert Mueller today delivered restrained, responsible, and yet damning testimony to the House Judiciary Committee regarding wrongdoing, lies, and obstruction of justice by the sitting president of the United States. What was damning was not the evidence that Mueller described, most of which simply confirmed details contained in his report on a…

Mark Pocan and Gwen Moore seek to hold racist president to account

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John Nichols The Cap Times Congressman Mark Pocan is prepared to hold Donald Trump to account. So, too, is Congresswoman Gwen Moore. These Wisconsin Democrats were among the 95 members of the House who voted last Wednesday to consider a resolution from Congressman Al Green, D-Texas, to impeach Donald Trump for using racist language July 14 to attack four Democratic congresswomen of…

Helsinki Commission looks at how faith groups can combat hate

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Rhina Guidos CRUX Rabbi Hazzan Jeffrey Myers came face to face with hate and escaped its wrath Oct. 27, 2018, when it walked into the most unlikely of places: through the doors of his house of worship, the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. There, in a place of peace, a gunman unleashed bullets on the congregation gathered for Shabbat services, killing 11 worshippers. “I’m a…

New Bill Addresses Barriers to Upward Bound Grants

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Sara Weissman Diverse Education The U.S. Department of Education rejected grants from one of the TRIO programs, Upward Bound, a few years ago because of clerical errors such as incorrect fonts and margins. A new bill – the Educational Opportunities and Success Act – was introduced to prevent those type of slips from getting in the way of federal funds for low-income students…

Wisconsin Split On Condemning 'Racist Trump Tweets'

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Scott Anderson Patch Voting strictly along party lines, Wisconsin's eight congressional representatives were split on whether to condemn a series of Twitter posts as racist in a resolution sent to the floor of the House on July 16. The non-binding resolution, which was brought forward by House Democrats, was passed nearly along party lines. A total of 235 Democrats and four…

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