Congresswoman Gwen Moore Introduces Legislation to Expand Earned Income Tax Credit, Invest in Working People, and Fight Poverty
March 26, 2025
Congresswoman Gwen Moore Introduces Legislation to Expand Earned Income Tax Credit, Invest in Working People, and Fight Poverty Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore hosted a press conference to highlight the re-introduction of H.R. 2338, the Worker Credit and Reform (WRCR) Act, which would expand and modernize the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). She was joined by Congresswoman Judy Chu, who is a cosponsor, and fierce advocates. This year marks the EITC’s 50th birthday, and Congresswoman Moore is working to strengthen this anti-poverty tool and advance an economic proposal that is focused on working Americans, not billionaires and big corporations. Her legislation would expand the EITC to unpaid caregivers, whose work is worth more than $1 trillion of work annually and primarily done by women.[1] It would also allow 75 percent of the EITC to be sent in monthly payments, which could increase Americans’ financial stability, as seen when millions of families received monthly expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) payments through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The WRCR Act would increase the EITC amount to older and younger workers without children, who are currently being taxed into poverty. Additionally, this legislation would allow low-income students to access the EITC. Through these efforts, the WRCR Act provides modern enhancements to the EITC, helping meet the needs of workers. “The WRCR Act reflects the economic realities of millions of Americans who are caregivers, students and low-wage workers. My legislation would provide direct support to Americans are caring for loved ones, working to better themselves in school and working hard to get ahead. The WRCR Act is a recognition of their immense contributions to our economy and expands the notions of work to honor the often-unrecognized work that our families and communities depend on. As the EITC turns 50 years old, now is the perfect opportunity to build on its success by passing my legislation, the WRCR Act,” said Congresswoman Moore. “When COVID struck, millions of workers and families saw the economic floor fall out beneath them, but Democrats in Congress showed we can step in and provide fast, effective relief with an expanded Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit. We cut child poverty in half and working families saw a big increase in savings and economic stability because the CTC and EITC payments were not just pocketed; we know that families used them to pay for necessities like groceries, rent, and medical expenses,” said Congresswoman Chu. “I’m proud to join Rep. Moore on this important legislation to strengthen the EITC by extending it for caregivers and students, and lifting arbitrary age limits so low-income workers are not excluded from because they are under 25 or over 65 years of age.” “As an impoverished family caregiver, I take care of my three grandchildren. The money we live on is not enough, I must figure out how to make a dollar out of fifty cents every week, every month. Congresswoman Moore stands up for women like me. Her update to the EITC would be a tremendous benefit for families like mine,” said Carolyn Hill, a low-income grandmother who is raising her grandchildren. “As a homecare worker and a mother of two including a special needs son, my workday never ends. I get low pay for one job and no pay for the other as a family caregiver. The modernized EITC as proposed by Congresswoman Moore, would acknowledge both jobs that I do. And a monthly payment will take away the stress of running out of basic necessities by the end of the month. My children would benefit from having more time with their mom and from some sports and other activities I can’t afford now,” said Philipa Laster, who is a homecare worker and single mother of two including a special needs son. “I am thrilled to be able to be here today for the reintroduction of Congresswoman Gwen Moore’s Worker Relief and Credit Reform Act. In raising my son, I struggled often going without in order to give him the best I could. I tried my best for my son to have some dignity though we were impoverished. This historic EITC bill would have established that as a mother I am a worker, that this is money we have earned and deserve, and these funds would have made a huge difference in our lives. In addition, recognition and compensation for the hard work of being a higher-education student included in the WRCR Act would have been such a help to him - and enabled others to pursue a college education who otherwise could not,” said Pat Albright, a former welfare recipient who is with Every Mother is a Working Mother. "The WRCR would mean a lot to me, as a hands-on grandmother helping my daughter and her husband, both of whom have demanding jobs with long hours, with their toddler. They would really struggle without the work I'm doing cooking, picking up the child from daycare and giving them a much needed break. There are other grandmothers who are caring for their grandkids part time or full time whose parents are caught up in the opioid crisis, are in jail or have died. Additionally, I witness mothers and grandmothers who come to our women’s center with heartbreaking stories but also with a determination that their caregiving be valued and deserving of resources. The WRCR would help women like me and those who come to our center by counting our work and providing more resources to meet the needs of our families and to care for ourselves," said Phoebe Jones, coordinator of the Philadelphia based Crossroads Women’s Center, and a joint coordinator of Care Income Now! “At a time when too many workers are struggling to make ends meet, Rep. Moore's WRCR Act would expand and modernize the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to give families more breathing room and recognize the value of caregiving. This stands in stark contrast to the House GOP recent budget bill that delivers massive tax breaks for billionaires while cutting healthcare and food programs that people depend on,” said Adam Ruben Director of Economic Security Project Action. “I am in 9th grade and already I know how much work being a student is. A lot of kids drop out because they come from poor families like mine, they don’t get enough to eat and they don’t have the space or time to study because they have to help out at home, then they act up and get in trouble. I try to help my mom because my brother is special needs. I also have to do about 4 hours of schoolwork each day. In addition to my studies, I would like to play volleyball, but my family can’t afford it. Being a student is hard work and sometimes you need an outlet like sports or music to cut down on stress. The EITC would be a vital benefit for me and my family,” said Cecelia Laster, a teenage student who helps her mom, Philipa, with caregiving duties. Endorsed by Economic Security Project Action; Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP); NAACP; Children's HealthWatch; NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice ; Americans for Tax Fairness; RESULTS; Young Invincibles; Futures Without Violence; 20/20 Vision; WELFARE WARRIORS; Women of Color/Global Women’s Strike; We Win From Within; Global Women's Strike; Payday men's network; Every Mother is a Working Mother Network; Care Income Now; People's Action Institute; People Power United; National Organization for Women; Income Movement; Center for the Study of Social Policy; American Friends Service Committee; Americans for Democratic Action (ADA); Social Workers Ending poverty Together; Mother’s Outreach Network; The Arc of the United States; National Association of Social Workers; Income Movement; My New Red Shoes; UpTogether; Community Change Action; Evolution Revolution LLC; Winvisible; Chicago Jobs Council; Starting Over Strong; Mother's Outreach Network; Long Beach Gray Panthers; NC Budget & Tax Center; GRACE - End Child Poverty CA; Just Harvest; Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW; Creatives Rebuild New York; York Street Project; CASH Campaign of Maryland; National Council of Jewish Women Los Angeles; All Home; Maine People's Alliance; Community Spring; San Diego for Every Child; GRACE - End Child Poverty CA; Economic Security California Action; Boston Medical Center; John Burton Advocates for Youth; Family and Home Network; Fund-Nation; East Kern County Community Foundation; Haiti Action Committee; Peace, Justice, SustainabilityNOW!; GLIDE Foundation; Golden State Opportunity; Orange County United Way; East County Community Leaders Network; United Way of Pierce County; Livermore Indivisible. |