Moore, Bonamici, Tenney, and Thompson Work to Streamline TRIO Eligibility, Supporting Students

Moore, Bonamici, Tenney, and Thompson Work to Streamline TRIO Eligibility, Supporting Students

To commemorate National TRIO Day, Representatives Gwen Moore (WI-04), Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), and Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15) introduced the TRIO Access Act to address new administrative barriers to accessing TRIO programs, helping ensure eligible students can receive the support they are qualified for.

Administered through the Department of Education and TRIO program administrators at colleges and universities, TRIO programs provide supportive services to first-generation students, veteran students, and students from disadvantaged backgrounds to improve academic outcomes. TRIO programs offer academic tutoring and counseling, mentoring programs, assistance with college entrance exams, work-study programs, and specific instruction in skills such as math, science, and writing, in addition to financial aid counseling and support. At least two-thirds of participants in each TRIO program must be a “low-income individual.”

Why We Need the TRIO Access Act

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Simplification Act and Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education (FUTURE Act) invertedly revoked TRIO personnel access to crucial financial data from their institution’s financial aid offices to determine student eligibility to participate in TRIO without additional consent from students. While Federal Tax Information (FTI) can be used to determine if a student qualifies for financial aid, FTI cannot currently be used to determine eligibility for non-financial aid programs, such as TRIO. The TRIO Access Act would provide a bipartisan fix, streamlining the use of tax data provided from the IRS to process FAFSAs and determine a student’s eligibility for TRIO services.

“When I entered Marquette, I was a poor, single mother who relied on TRIO, so I know firsthand that TRIO programs serve some of the most vulnerable students and provide them educational opportunity. In fact, it was the support I received from TRIO that allowed me to continue my education and thrive, and it’s a debt that I continue to pay forward. TRIO is another reminder why a strong U.S. Department of Education is so important. 

Financial aid opens the door, but it is non-financial aid programs that truly help students succeed. I don’t want any eligible students to miss out on academic and other support that can make a difference to them completing higher education due to a legislative oversight. As co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional TRIO Caucus, I am championing this bipartisan bill, and will continue working to strengthen TRIO programs,” said Rep. Moore.

“TRIO programs open doors for people who otherwise might not be able to pursue a higher education,” said Rep. Bonamici. “I’m grateful to work with Representatives Moore, Thompson, and Tenney on the important bipartisan TRIO Access Act to restore access to financial aid data for TRIO program administrators so they can reach and serve  more under-resourced students.”

“Youth from lower-income families often face challenges accessing mentoring, tutoring, and other hands on services designed to encourage high school completion and the pursuit of post-secondary education," Rep. Thompson said. "The TRIO Access Act removes an unnecessary barrier for low-income, first generation college students to participate in these programs and I remain committed to ensuring students have access to these opportunities.”

“The TRIO Access Act ensures that the low-income, first-generation participants in the Federal TRIO Programs are able to fully experience one of the largest benefits of the Better FAFSA—a simplified and streamlined experience in applying for and obtaining federal financial aid. Too often, complex financial aid processes deter students who stand to benefit the most, making it critical to remove barriers that prevent them from pursuing higher education," said Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) President Kimberly Jones.

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