Representatives Gwen Moore, Nancy Mace, and Darren Soto Recognize Young Leaders During National Youth Leadership Month

Representatives Gwen Moore, Nancy Mace, and Darren Soto Recognize Young Leaders During National Youth Leadership Month

Today, Representatives Gwen Moore (WI-04), Nancy Mace (SC-01), and Soto (FL-09) re-introduced a resolution recognizing February as National Youth Leadership Month. This resolution encourages Congress to craft policies that create opportunities for youth leadership and recognizes the significant contributions of youth leaders.

“I was once a young activist, and I know that young people are our country’s future, and they should be empowered and encouraged to lead in their communities. That’s why I am thrilled to join this bipartisan effort to support the many youth leaders creating change and support those looking make an impact where they live,” said Representative Moore (WI-04), Chair of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth.

“With over 73 million Americans under 18, comprising 22.1% of the population, it's imperative to recognize that effective policymaking requires the authentic engagement of our youth. It’s high time legislators support the current and future leaders among our youth, ensuring they play an active role in shaping policies that directly impact their lives and the generations to come," said Representative Mace (SC-01), Co-Chair of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth.

“Young people are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also the leaders we need right now as we continue to combat numerous issues impacting their wellbeing. As a Co-Chair of the Future Forum Caucus, I am proud to co-lead the National Youth Leadership Month Resolution. I remain committed to empowering young leaders by elevating their perspectives and experiences to bring change about in Congress, including supporting young people within my district in Central Florida to inflict positive change. It is of the essence we continue to mentor and create spaces for young people to champion issues of interest for their generation and future generations to come,” said Congressman Soto (FL-09), Co-Chair of the Future Forum Caucus.

“It is important that we recognize our current and future youth leaders and their dedication to serving their communities! I strongly encourage all professionals and elected officials to continue having youth engaged in these conversations, youth perspectives may change their entire outlook on any said bill. This resolution would even encourage youth who may not currently be involved in any leadership outlets to start searching for what causes they may want to bring awareness too, especially with the assistance from professionals. I think this resolution is a big step in the right direction,” said Micaih Lloyd, National Foster Youth Institute (NFYI) delegate.

The beliefs of the members of Congress supporting this resolution as well as empirical research are the basis for this resolution. Particularly a research publication from Dr. Jennifer Tackett, with Northwestern University’s Department of Psychology titled, “Understanding the Leaders of Tomorrow: The Need to Study Leadership in Adolescence” is foundational to support on Capitol Hill for the cause of supporting youth leadership.

The resolution will:

  • Express support for the designation of February 2023 as "National Youth Leadership Month":
  • Encourage Congress to implement policies to elevate youth voices to lead, support youth leadership development opportunities, and encourage additional research on youth leadership;
  • Honor the work of adults that help cultivate youth leadership and;
  • Honor the dedication of youth leaders who advocate for the interests of their generation and future generations.

This resolution has received support from: The National Foster Youth Institute and is co-led by the bipartisan Future Forum Caucus.

Read the full text of the resolution here

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