Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes “No” on Impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes “No” on Impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

“Today, I voted ‘No’ on House Republicans’ baseless impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas. This effort is political theater to score cheap points over border policy. I am glad some of my colleagues across the aisle voted against this measure as well.

In an attempt to legitimize this impeachment process, House Republicans are distorting the facts regarding Secretary Mayorkas’ long and proud service to our nation. Since assuming the House majority, extreme MAGA Republicans in the House have planned this sham impeachment to scapegoat our broken immigration system on Secretary Mayorkas.

On day one, President Biden proposed a comprehensive immigration bill to Congress. House Republicans chose to let it languish. Last fall, President Biden sent Congress an emergency supplemental request with additional resources for the border, including to address drug trafficking with increased CBP staff and innovative technology. We still have seen no action on it.

Even before the legislative text of the Senate’s bipartisan border agreement was released, Speaker Johnson was already calling it ‘dead on arrival’ in the House.

And now, House Republicans have decided to weaponize the impeachment process to distract from their inaction and disinterest in actually advancing real, bipartisan solutions to the challenges at our border and immigration system that require the support of the Senate and White House.

This is a just another distraction from their unwillingness to do their jobs and their genuine disinterest in governing.”

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