Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes to Protect Access to Crucial Government Services

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes to Protect Access to Crucial Government Services

H.R. 2872 extends the funding deadline for the four appropriations bills set to expire January 19th to March 1st. The legislation also extends the funding deadline for the eight remaining appropriations bills set to expire on February 2nd to March 8th. Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:

“Today, I voted to ensure government services can continue reaching millions of Americans without interruption. Government shutdowns are very costly to the American people, our hardworking federal employees, and the economy. While MAGA Republicans are leveraging extreme demands that have kept the FY 2024 funding process from moving forward,  Democrats have once again helped prevent a damaging shutdown.

While I am disappointed that additional funding to meet increasing WIC caseloads was not included, I am pleased that this legislation includes further temporary extensions that prevent Medicaid payments cut to hospitals that serve some of the vulnerable Americans and extends critical community health center funding.

However, continuing resolutions cannot remain the norm. House and Senate Democrats are prepared to use this additional time to help write the individual FY 2024 funding bills in accordance with the bipartisan appropriations framework negotiated by Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Speaker Johnson and finally fund key priorities that help our communities. Hopefully, my House Republican colleagues will join us in that effort and help make this the last continuing resolution.”

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