Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark, and Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin President Tanya Atkinson Discuss the Stakes of Abortion Care Access Statewide and Nationwide

Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark, and Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin President Tanya Atkinson Discuss the Stakes of Abortion Care Access Statewide and Nationwide

Today in a press conference, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04), Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-05), and Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin President Tanya Atkinson highlighted the ongoing impact of the Dobbs decision on women nationwide, provided an update on the state of abortion care access in Wisconsin, and shared the efforts at the federal level to enshrine reproductive rights in law and combat extreme MAGA abortion bans.


“I had an abortion before Roe, and access to this reproductive care ensured I wasn’t permanently mired in poverty and gave me the power to control my own destiny. Every woman should have the freedom to make their own health care decisions. I will use all my power as a federal lawmaker to help restore reproductive rights for women and push back against MAGA Republican efforts to ‘outban’ each other, said Congresswoman Moore.

“Wisconsinites know firsthand what it’s like to be denied basic care under draconian abortion laws,” said Whip Clark. “The MAGA extremists will not stop until they get what they want: a nationwide abortion ban with no exceptions. That’s why we can’t let up either. Democrats will not relent until reproductive freedom is once again the law of the land in every state and every zip code.”

"Wisconsinites should have the right to control their bodies and should be able to do so without unnecessary restrictions. 

There is still a lot of work ahead of us. Having champions of reproductive healthcare in Congress matters, and we are so grateful to the leadership of Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Democratic Whip Katherine Clark,” said Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin President Tanya Atkinson.

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