Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes to Expel Rep. George Santos

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes to Expel Rep. George Santos

“When a House resolution was introduced last month to expel Rep. George Santos, I noted that it was premature and ill-advised to pursue this effort before the Ethics Committee had completed its inquiry.

The expulsion of a Member of Congress directly overturns the will of voters and must be reserved for the most severe and serious of matters. The current circumstances meet this standard. The Ethics report highlights egregious and illegal conduct by Rep. George Santos, showing he used congressional campaign funds as a personal piggy bank, peddled elaborate lies to deceive the voters of New York’s 3rd Congressional District, and defrauded congressional campaign supporters. The Investigative Subcommittee convened by the Ethics Committee found evidence that he broke federal law and House Rules.

As the Ethics report details, ‘Representative Santos’ “omissions” are more than just embellishments intended to cover up his embarrassment about not having the academic pedigree he claimed; his missing disclosures hid his disreputable business dealings that coincided with his campaign for Congress.’

Following careful consideration, I voted to expel Rep. George Santos from the U.S. House of Representatives.”

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