Congresswoman Gwen Moore Praises Biden Administration Effort to Remove Lead Pipes in 10 Years

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Praises Biden Administration Effort to Remove Lead Pipes in 10 Years

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed an updated lead and copper rule that will support the removal of America’s lead pipes in ten years. The rule would also impose stricter standards on utilities, lower the level at which water utilities must take certain actions to address lead in water, require utilities to develop and maintain accurate inventories of where lead pipes are located, and require more robust water testing efforts and communication with consumers connected to a lead service line.

“Lead is a neurotoxin that causes irreversible harm to children’s development. Thousands of children in Milwaukee test positive for elevated lead blood levels every year.  The lead epidemic creates inequities for our children before they even have a chance to grow, which is why ending this crisis continues to be my top priority in Congress.

While lead paint in housing remains the primary pathway that children get exposed to this neurotoxin, I applaud efforts to strengthen the decades old Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) as part of a comprehensive approach to address this public health threat in our communities.  I have long called for a robust update of the LCR, including a requirement for the replacement of all lead service lines.

Since the beginning, President Biden has made eliminating all lead service pipes a key part of his agenda, and I am so thrilled that the Biden administration has now issued stronger regulations that will help accelerate the removal of all lead pipes in our communities and complement his efforts to provide additional funding to help municipalities, like Milwaukee, scale up their efforts to do so.

I have been working to secure the federal monies to support the city of Milwaukee’s removal of lead pipes, and secure clean drinking water for all, including through the bipartisan infrastructure law, which provided much-needed dedicated funding to help remove lead pipes nationwide. 

We all must continue to work to end the threat posed by lead to our children and communities. While much more needs to be done, I am pleased that the EPA has proposed a rule that will help support local communities’ efforts to remove this toxin, and I stand ready to ensure the city of Milwaukee has the tools and resources available to support this important goal.”

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