Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduce Legislation to Increase Access to School Social Workers to Address Growing Need for School-Based Mental Health Services Among Young People

Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduce Legislation to Increase Access to School Social Workers to Address Growing Need for School-Based Mental Health Services Among Young People

Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced legislation to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide grants to hire and retain school social workers.

“School social workers are serving in our communities, addressing students’ needs at home and at school, and connecting them with resources they need. These trusted professionals are working every day to support students through major struggles in their life and should be empowered to play a larger role in addressing our youth mental crisis.

In 2021, nearly one-third of students experienced poor mental health. This issue is impacting teen girls particularly hard; nearly 60 percent of American girls reported feeling sad and hopelessness. This crisis is happening as many schools falls short of the recommended ratio of one school social worker per 250 students and one school social workers per 50 students with high needs.

We can use school social workers, these important mental health professionals, to address the youth mental health care gap. That’s why I am honored to join my sister Rep. Barbara Lee in introducing legislation to secure federal funds to expand access to support this vital workforce - school social workers - to better support our children,” said Congresswoman Gwen Moore.

“As a parent, I am devastated by recent studies have shown that rates of mental illness among teenagers are at their highest levels in years. As a social worker by trade, I know from my own lived experience how school social workers can be vital resources for struggling children. This bill is a landmark opportunity to invest in resources for social workers in schools and provide a lifeline to students in need. I appreciate Rep. Moore’s leadership on this issue and urge my colleagues to support our heroes and sheroes of the industry,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee.

Read more on the School Social Workers Improving Student Success Act here.

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