Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes to Pass Assault Weapons Ban to Protect Our Communities

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes to Pass Assault Weapons Ban to Protect Our Communities

Today, Congresswoman Moore voted to pass H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 which will prohibit the sale, transfer, and manufacture of semiautomatic  weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. Additionally, this legislation includes provisions mandating safe storage of semiautomatic assault weapons, and will allow  states to use federal funds for voluntary assault weapons buyback programs.

“No ordinary citizen needs an AR-15 or similar weapons of mass destruction. Far too often, assault weapons are used to rip communities apart, take away innocent lives, including our children. Our children! Gun violence is a preventable epidemic, and we can save lives by enacting an assault weapons ban. Congress has done it before, and this crisis demands that we do it again.

According to Giffords, all of America’s deadliest shootings in the past decade have involved weapons using high-capacity ammunition magazines. Every loss from these weapons of war is a reminder of the real cost to our families, our children, and our country.

Today, I am proudly joining my colleagues in taking action to help stop these weapons of war from causing trauma, pain, and senseless tragedies in my district, and across the country.

I am pleased this bill also includes safe storage mandate for semi automatic weapons, which is much needed. According to Everytown, this year alone there have been more than 158 accidental shootings by children, leading to 68 deaths. This legislation also will ensure states can facilitate buyback programs for these deadly weapons.

We need the Assault Weapons Act of 2022 now, but I also recognize that more can be done to address the deadly toll of gun violence is having on our families and communities. I remain committed to working with my colleagues to pass additional commonsense and meaningful gun violence prevention measures that will keep our constituents safe, invest in evidence based community violence prevention efforts such as de-escalation training, and measures to help keep guns out of the wrong hands.”

Key Provisions of the Bill

  • Similar to the 1994 ban, H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, prohibits the sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of semiautomatic assault weapons and high capacity magazines. 
  • The prohibition does not apply to the possession, sale or transfer of any semiautomatic assault weapon lawfully possessed on the date of enactment (a grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapon.)
  • The bill also allows for the transfer of grandfathered semiautomatic assault weapons through a federal firearms licensee following a background check using the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). 
  • Importantly, the bill also promotes gun safety by requiring that semiautomatic assault weapons be securely stored so they don’t get into the wrong hands.
  • The bill supports the ability for states to implement voluntary buyback programs for semiautomatic assault weapons and high capacity magazines through Byrne Justice Assistance Grant funds for voluntary buyback programs.
  • Like its predecessor, the bill is intended to gradually reduce the prevalence of the deadliest tactical weapons, while containing numerous provisions that protect the rights of hunters, gun collectors, farmers, sport shooters, and those who use firearms for self-defense.
  • Like the 1994-2004 ban, the bill includes exemptions for specific uses such as law enforcement, nuclear security, and testing authorized by the Attorney General.
  • The bill also allows for temporary transfers without a background check for target shooting at a licensed target facility or established range.
  • The bill specifies that the bill’s restrictions do not apply to antique firearms and more than 2,000 specified models of hunting and sporting firearms.


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