Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes to Ensure National Guard and Reserve Members Receive Equal Access to G.I. Benefits

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes to Ensure National Guard and Reserve Members Receive Equal Access to G.I. Benefits

Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore voted for the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act, which takes a strong step toward ensuring equal access to Post 9/11G.I. Bill benefits. This bill will ensure that members of the National Guard and Reserve, who often serve side-by-side with their Active-Duty counterparts yet do not currently receive the same access to vital G.I. bill benefits, are honored with the benefits they have earned and deserve. 

“Our National Guard serve our country and have helped meet important needs during the pandemic. Wisconsin’s National Guard distributed COVID-19 vaccines and tests and filled staffing shortages in mental health facilities, helped secure the U.S. Capitol after the January 6th attack, and provided support to Afghan refugees being housed at Fort McCoy.  They deserve benefits that recognize their tremendous service.

That’s why I was honored to support the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act, which will ensure Guard and Reserve can earn credit for the purposes of the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill education benefits for doing the same tasks as their active-duty brethren, such as training. It’s also critical that our veterans receive the services and benefits they have earned. Unfortunately, many veterans lack the information to know what benefits they qualify and too often once they do know, our veterans face numerous hurdles and delays in getting the care they need.

I am pleased that my amendment, that I worked with Representatives Deborah Ross (D-NC), Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon (R-PR), and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) to draft and advance, was adopted to this bill to  ensure that new veterans transitioning from active duty know about every health care benefit available to them, including mental health care, community care, and treatment related to military sexual trauma.”

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