Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes for House Passage of NSF for the Future Act and DOE Science for the Future Act that Includes Several of Her Provisions

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes for House Passage of NSF for the Future Act and DOE Science for the Future Act that Includes Several of Her Provisions 

Today, Congresswoman Moore’s supported House passage of a bipartisan legislation H.R. 2225, the National Science Foundation for the Future Act and HR 3593, the Department of Energy (DOE) Science for the Future Act to reauthorize federal research and innovation programs. Both bills include numerous provisions authorized by Congresswoman Moore. including provisions in the NSF bill to expand support to community colleges, to authorize research into innovate clean water programs, and a provision that would expand research capabilities at minority-serving institutions, such as Alverno College in Milwaukee, but also includes historically black colleges and universities (HBCU’s), and tribal colleges and universities. She also authored an amendment to H.R. 3593 to boost support in clean water and water research with the DOE Office of Science. In response, she released the following statement:

“As a member of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I am honored to have authored provisions that are included in the House-passed NSF for the Future Act and DOE Science for the Future Act.

We need to ensure that our STEM workforce reflects America’s diversity and research opportunities are expanded to those who are underrepresented. My bipartisan effort with Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas would create real equity for students at minority-serving institutions.

My provisions to promote clean water research, build a diverse STEM workforce, and protect our water systems invests in the health of our communities and support the institutions that can provide a pipeline for STEM workers and researchers of color.

I look forward to these bills advancing in the Senate and being signed into law.”

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