What is Wisconsin getting from the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package?

What is Wisconsin getting from the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package?

CBS 58 - Representative Gwen Moore, D-WI, said Wisconsin will get $3.2 billion from the federal COVID relief package in addition to hundreds of millions of dollars specifically for larger cities like Milwaukee and Madison.

Moore said $1,400 checks could be on the way for most Americans in just a few weeks, and they can’t come soon enough.

“The $1,400 check is a survival check," Moore said. "This is not a stimulus check. People are several months behind in their rent.”

The package also extends the federal boost to unemployment and raises it from $300 to $400.

Marquette political science professor Paul Nolette said that’s why Congress wants it passed by March 14.

“Unemployment benefits are going to expire," Nolette said. "And so, by March 14, the Senate wants to pass this, and get this on Biden’s desk.”

The federal government would also provide $20 billion for vaccinations nationwide.

State Representative Daniel Riemer, D-Milwaukee, said that will help create more community center vaccine sites, which many in the state already want.

“Nurses, pharmacists, physicians, people trained and certified to vaccinate, that are able to do this," Riemer said. "That isn’t free. That’s something that needs the right amount of resources to make it happen.”

Moore said Milwaukee Public Schools alone will receive $579 million dollars from the plan, which will help schools across the state with more than just equipment.

“For learning lost, in case there has to be extra summer schools or evening classes that enables students to catch up.”

This House package also includes a minimum wage increase to $15 an hour, but that is extremely unlikely to appear in the final version.

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