Lawmakers critical of lack of federal help administering COVID-19 vaccine

Lawmakers critical of lack of federal help administering COVID-19 vaccine

WISN - A bipartisan group of lawmakers is calling for more transparency about Wisconsin's vaccine rollout.

Republican U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil and Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin sent a letter Tuesday to Gov. Tony Evers asking for more details about Wisconsin's plan to administer the vaccine.

They also offered to work together to make the rollout run smoothly.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore told WISN 12 she believes the plan for the vaccine rollout should never have been Wisconsin's responsibility.

"I'm not going to second guess what Sen. Baldwin and Congressman Steil are doing, but I will comment that I think from the very beginning, it was wrong-headed to have states, and counties for God's sake, stand up the rollout of the vaccine. This is certainly a federal issue, it always has been."

She wants to see the Trump administration take more action.

"I just reject the premise that it's Wisconsin's responsibility to figure it out," she said.

Moore is at home recovering from the coronavirus.

Steil told WISN 12 he has not yet received a reply from Evers.

As of Tuesday, Wisconsin has administered a little more than 47,000 vaccinations.

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