Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congressman Ron Estes Introduce Legislation to Help Strengthen Relationships Between Parents and their Children

Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congressman Ron Estes Introduce Legislation to Help Strengthen RelationshipsBetween Parents and their Children

Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Congressman Ron Estes introduced the Providing Adequate Resources to Enhance Needed Time with Sons and Daughters (PARENTS) Act, which grants state governments and tribal organizations the ability to use Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Program funds to create Parenting Time Agreements (PTAs). This legislation would address the disparity in accessing PTAs for never-married parents while aiming to increase the collection of child support funds and supporting relationships between parents and their children. In response, Congresswoman Moore and Congressman Estesreleased the following statement:

“Children benefit immensely from spending time with both of their parents. Unfortunately, unlike divorced parents, parents who were never married to one another must establish PTAs separately from child support agreements. My legislation will help remove administrative and financial barriers facing states, making it easier for parents to use PTAs to bond with their children and consistently remain in their lives,” said Congresswoman Moore.

“The time spent between parents and their children is critical at all stages of life, but especially in the early years as their minds and personalities are forming. Reducing the financial burdens of establishing PTAs for unmarried parents is a way to encourage and enhance the bonds between the child, mother and father right from the start,” said Congressman Estes. “This strengthened time commitment from both parents will set up a positive trajectory as the child grows into adulthood.”

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