Rep. Gwen Moore targets racial disparities in maternal healthcare

WASHINGTON (SPECTRUM NEWS) — Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Milwaukee believes Congress took an important first step in declaring Black moms matter, especially those in her home district.

“One of the zip codes in the United States 53206 has been designated one of the worst places in the country for Black children to live,” said Rep. Moore. “So through this, we are going to be able to showcase the importance of wrapping services around mothers in that area and showing what difference it can make.”

That difference can be a matter of life and death according Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services.

Its most recent study found the average Black infant mortality rate in Wisconsin is nearly 3 times that of White infants.

And, the maternal mortality rate in the state is five times higher for Black women than for White women.

These are alarming statistics but they’re also the catalyst for what House Democrats are calling the “Momnibus.”

“This package of bills really opens the doors to a lot of grants programs, to medicaid funding, to —really— research and development and support,” said Rep. Moore.

The nine maternal health bills included in the package invests in:

  • Outside health outcome influences like housing, transportation, and nutrition
  • Community-based organizations
  • Studies around the unique health risks facing women veterans
  • Data collection
  • Mental health care and substance use disorder treatments
  • Care and support for incarcerated women
  • Digital tools like telehealth in underserved areas
  • Innovative payment models for health care
  • Growing and diversifying the perinatal workforce

“We need to encourage and educate the growth and development of a healthcare system that looks like the people who are being served,” said Rep. Moore.

Rep. Moore and Rep. Alma Adams, co-Chair of the Black Maternal Health Caucus, will hold an event in Milwaukee on the Friday to discuss this legislation’s potential impact on the state.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California is sponsoring the Senate version of this legislative package.

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