Wisconsin representatives speak out on Trump impeachment inquiry

Wisconsin representatives speak out on Trump impeachment inquiry

TMJ4, Shaun Gallagher

MILWAUKEE — During a round table discussion on WTMJ Radio, Sen. Ron Johnson voiced his support of President Trump in light of the impeachment inquiry.

"I understand the narrative out there right now and I understand the democrats and most members of the media are putting out the worst possible construction," Johnson said. "Having known President Trump and having first hand knowledge of the Ukrainian situation, it was a pretty gracious phone call."

Johnson says the transcripts and President Trump willingly releasing the information show he doesn't think he did anything wrong.

"The president, as the chief law enforcement officer of America, from my standpoint, asking some very legitimate questions that I want answered," Johnson said.

Rep. Gwen Moore disagrees. At a separate event, Moore voiced her concerns and why she believes President Trump should be impeached.

"This president has demonstrated he is dangerous," Moore said. "He has his finger on the nuclear codes. He's operating a rogue foreign policy that threatens not only us, but our allies."

At the core, Johnson says this whole situation could jeopardize how future presidents work.

"I'm not a fan of Vladimir Putin, but he's out there saying, 'Well, I hope our phone conversations are not made public,'" Johnson said. "My guess is, every other world leader that's had a phone conversation, a candid phone conversation with President Trump is probably thinking the same thing. It almost destroys a president's ability to conduct foreign policy or conduct the business of the nation if that deliberate process were violated in terms of executive privilege and those conversations with other world leaders were made public."



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