Congresswoman Moore Votes to Pass Legislation to Lower the Cost of Prescription Drugs

Congresswoman Moore Votes to Pass Legislation to Lower the Cost of Prescription Drugs

Today, Congresswoman Moore voted in support of H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which passed the House of Representatives on a bipartisan 230 – 192 vote. In response to the House’s passage of H.R. 3, Congresswoman Moore issued the following statement:

“I am thrilled to be tackling an issue that keeps too many Americans up at night: the soaring price of prescription drugs. Prescription drug prices are forcing Americans to make unfathomable choices that can jeopardize their health and their lives. No one should have to choose between paying for life-saving treatment and paying the bills. No one should have to consider rationing their medicine. Big Pharma has reaped profits off the backs of hard working Americans by imposing exorbitant price tags that they cannot justify. Today, we’re standing up to Big Pharma to rein in their price-gouging. House Democrats have pledged to lower the cost of prescription drugs. Today, we are delivering on our promise so Americans can access the drugs they need at prices they can afford.”

Key Components

Among other H.R. 3 will reform prescription drug pricing in our nation by giving Medicare the ability to negotiate lower drug prices in line with the prices charged in other countries and making those prices available to private insurance providers, placing an out-of-pocket cap on these costs for people with Medicare Part D. H.R. 3 reinvests the savings of nearly $500 billion from these reforms into medical and pharmaceutical research for new cures and treatments and historic new benefits for vision, for dental and hearing for Medicare beneficiaries.

Estimated number of beneficiaries who will gain from H.R. 3’s expansion of Medicare coverage:

New benefits

Number of beneficiaries in WI-04










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