Congresswoman Moore Statement on USMCA Trade Agreement

Congresswoman Moore Statement on USMCA Trade Agreement

Washington, DCCongresswoman Moore released the following statement today on the announcement of a USMCA trade agreement:

“Today, Speaker Pelosi, Ways and Means Chairman Neal and the USMCA working group announced that they had reached agreement on a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico that modernizes NAFTA. I look forward to seeing the final text of the trade agreement.

House Democrats fought hard to improve the agreement the Trump Administration negotiated last year to promote a level the playing field for workers while securing strong environmental and labor protections.

We need to deliver the promises of open international trade, policies that will drive a better future for all Mexicans, Canadians and Americans, policies that fuel economic growth and raise living standards across our hemisphere.

American workers continue to feel pressure from the loss of so many good-paying jobs as a result of globalization and I believe Congress needs to promote greater equity in international trade and fair-trade policies.

Mexico and Canada are the top export markets for Wisconsin and with exports valued at more than $10 billion.”

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