Rep. Moore Statement on Resolution that Outlines Next Steps in Impeachment Inquiry

Rep. Moore Statement on Resolution that Outlines Next Steps in Impeachment Inquiry

“Today, I voted for a measure today to formalize the next steps in the ongoing impeachment inquiry that supports a transparent investigation. This vote protects the rights of the President, allows Trump’s lawyers to cross-examine witnesses and guarantees open hearings throughout the process. From there, Members of Congress and the American people can reach conclusions based on the evidence about the serious allegations regarding the President’s  abuse of power, betrayal of his oath and other illegitimate activities.

I never came to Congress to impeach a president, but I will never shirk from my responsibilities to uphold the Constitution and defend our democracy.

In his official capacity, Trump solicited a foreign power to improve his reelection chances. Abuse of power by this or any other President cannot go ignored. That’s why this vote is so important.”

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