Congresswoman Gwen Moore’s Reaction to the 5th Circuit Hearing on the ACA

Congresswoman Gwen Moore’s Reaction to the 5th Circuit Hearing on the ACA

Washington D.C. – In response to the 5th Circuit of Appeals’ hearing on the Republican lawsuit seeking to gut essential health care reform, Congresswoman Gwen Moore issued the following statement:

“Republicans and the Trump administration are again showing the American people that they can't be trusted on the issue of health care. When Republicans couldn’t repeal the Affordable Care Act legislatively, Trump sabotaged the law administratively. Next, Republicans used their tax cut bill to attack the ACA and are now asking the courts to strike down the law entirely.

This lawsuit has a distinctly cruel aim, in threatening the existence of the entire Affordable Care Act, which would eliminate health care for 153,000 Wisconsinites.

We know that the Affordable Care Act has helped improve the lives of Americans by expanding access to affordable and quality health care for those who would otherwise be denied health care or be exposed to outrageous costs. Access to quality and affordable health care continues to be a priority for the American people and Congressional Democrats who have already passed a number of bills to build on the gains of the ACA. If Republicans wanted to truly improve the health care, they would join the Democrats’ efforts to expand affordable health care.

Striking down this law would have devastating consequences for all Americans, from jeopardizing seniors access to affordable prescription drugs, eliminating Medicaid expansion for low-income Americans, and subjects tens of millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions to higher health care costs and discrimination. Those who will be wounded the most in Trump’s battle against the Affordable Care Act will be our most vulnerable, including the poor and those with chronic conditions like asthma, cancer and diabetes.

I am hopeful that the 5th Circuit upholds this law and protects the nearly 20 million Americans who rely on the Affordable Care Act for quality care. There is simply too much at stake.”


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