Congresswoman Gwen Moore Applauds the Passage of H.R. 2740, Appropriations Minibus and Secures Funding for Programs Addressing Sexual and Domestic Violence

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Applauds the Passage of H.R. 2740, Appropriations Minibus and Secures Funding for Programs Addressing Sexual and Domestic Violence

Today, Congresswoman Moore released the following statement on passage of H.R. 2740, a bill wrapping together separate bills funding the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education, Defense, Energy and Water and State Department and Foreign Operations.

“I am pleased to support this funding bill which addresses a wide range of health, education, infrastructure and other priorities that are critical to the 4th Congressional District of Wisconsin.  I was pleased to offer a number of amendments to this package to make it even better and to address key priorities.”

Congresswoman Moore’s amendment to the Labor-HHS package would build on funding secured in the underlying bill to fund an initiative to support CDC’s work to improve death scene investigations regarding unexpected infant and children deaths.

“I am pleased that the House Appropriations Committee worked with me to include funding for parts of my Scarlett Sunshine bill which is intended to help grieving families get answers to the tragic deaths of their infants. My floor amendment, which passed with over 400 votes in support, would add $500,000 for that effort and gets us closer to understanding and preventing such deaths.”

This new funding is a promising and hopeful step towards furthering research for death prevention efforts and preventing another family from experiencing heartache,” said Congresswoman Moore.

Other amendments led by Congresswoman would provide additional funding for domestic violence prevention programs at the Department of Health and Human Services to help prevent domestic and sexual violence in Communities across America.

One successful Moore amendment would increase funding for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA), which provides domestic and sexual violence prevention programs by $4.5 million.

Another Moore amendment would dedicate $1.5 million to support the Health Resources and Services Administration Strategy to Address Intimate Partner Violence. And a third amendment she co-led with Reps. Jackie Speier, Ayanna Pressley and Elissa Slotkin successfully increased funding by $5 million for CDC rape prevention and education programs.

“Violence burdens our communities and disproportionately burdens women. 38 million women have experienced intimate partner violence throughout their lifetimes and 321,500 people in America survive rape or sexual assault every year. I am proud to know that domestic and sexual violence survivors will have more resources to empower themselves and safely leave dangerous situations. By increasing domestic and sexual violence prevention efforts, we prevent another woman from becoming a victim. Critical programs can reach more survivors, which will ultimately save lives,” said Congresswoman Moore.

Other priorities that Congresswoman fought to include in this bill include helping secure:

·A $100 million increase for the TRIO program which helps low-income and first-generation studies complete higher education.  She was an active participant in TRIO and co -chairs the Congressional Trio Caucus.

·A $5 million increase for the CDC’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program given the ongoing challenge facing many communities including Milwaukee when it comes to lead.

·$8 million increase for the Healthy Start program, which was a collaborative effort with Congressman Yarmuth.

·Increases for a range of VAWA programs across various federal agencies including funding for the Domestic Violence Hotline.  Earlier this year, Congresswoman Moore led a comprehensive VAWA funding request, signed by over 100 of her House colleagues, that was mostly met in the funding bills that have been approved in committee so far.

Congresswoman Moore also supports the strong funding levels provided for several key programs in this funding package.

Job Corps: $1.9 billion, an increase of $150 million.

National Institutes of Health: $41.1 billion, an increase of $2 billion

Community Health Centers: $1.7 billion, an increase of $50 million.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS: $2.4 billion, an increase of $116 million.

Title X Family Planning:  $400 million, an increase of $114 million.

Child Care Funding: $7.7 billion, an increase of $2.4 billion;

Head Start: $11.6 billion, an increase of $1.5 billion;

Title I Education Grants: $16.9 billion, an increase of $1 billion

Special Education: $14.5 billion, an increase of $1.05 billion

Peace Corps: $425 million, an increase of $14.5 million 

President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR): $5.93 billion, including $1.56 million for the Global Fund, an increase of $210 million.

Migration & Refugee Assistance (MRA), U.S. Emergency Refugee & Migration Assistance (ERMA), and International Disaster Assistance (IDA) –$7.97 billion, an increase of $150 million.

Central America: The bill would allocate at least $540.8 million be made available for the countries of Central America

Global Gag Rule: The bill includes the Global HER Act, which the Congresswoman is a cosponsor of, which would permanently repeal the Global Gag Rule, reinstated by President Trump.

While she was disappointed by some of the funding choices made in the FY 2020 Defense Bill, the Congresswoman strongly supports some of the progressive policy provisions that were included in the base bill or added by amendment during floor debate.  Those provisions would: 

  • Finally repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force allowing Congress to have a much-needed debate about what authorities may be needed to face today’s threats and challenges.
  • Text of the measure previously passed by Congress (but vetoed by the President) to end U.S. support for the Saudi- and Emirati- led war in Yemen (S.J.Res.7)
  • Language to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE,
  • A funding ban to block President Trump’s ban on transgender servicemembers, and a ban on deployment of a new low-yield nuclear weapon.


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