The Journal Times: Gwen Moore announces cancer diagnosis

The Journal Times — MILWAUKEE — Gwen Moore, Wisconsin’s Democratic U.S. representative from Milwaukee, announced Tuesday that she has been diagnosed with cancer.
Riley Vetterkind
The Journal Times

MILWAUKEEGwen Moore, Wisconsin’s Democratic U.S. representative from Milwaukee, announced Tuesday that she has been diagnosed with cancer.

Moore, 67, said she was specifically diagnosed with small cell lymphocytic lymphoma in the spring that she described as a “manageable,” non life-threatening cancer with proper surveillance and treatment.

“Right now I’m in great health with an excellent prognosis of living with this disease,” Moore said Tuesday.

Moore grew up in Racine.

She made the announcement during the House Ways and Means Committee’s first hearing of the 116th Congress, where representatives discussed how to better protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

During the hearing Moore praised the Affordable Care Act for its protections for those with pre-existing conditions and for other provisions, such as caps on for allowing her proper care as she manages her condition.

“They could have just denied me completely because of my pre-existing condition,” Moore said. “We’ve talked a lot about his costing too much, or being too expensive. How much does a life cost?”

Moore was recently selected to be a member of the powerful tax writing committee.

Moore represents the 4th Congressional District, which includes all of the City of Milwaukee and large parts of suburban Milwaukee County stretching from the north end of Oak Creek all the way north to the Ozaukee County line.

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