Milwaukee Business Journal: Hundreds pack Cathedral Square Park for Milwaukee streetcar kickoff

Hundreds of Milwaukee-area residents and business executive packed Cathedral Square Park in downtown Milwaukee to witness the long-awaited kickoff of the city's new streetcar.
By: Mark Kass

Hundreds of Milwaukee-area residents and business executive packed Cathedral Square Park in downtown Milwaukee to witness the long-awaited kickoff of the city's new streetcar.

Check out the attached slideshow to see photos from the event and the hoopla surrounding the streetcar.

Downtown Business Improvement District CEO Beth Weirick and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett joined a group of speakers at the kickoff event, declaring the first phase of the project was just the beginning for the streetcar system.

“This is about progress, it is about the future, and it is about bringing this community together,” Barrett told the crowd.

Added Weirick, “Today we know this moment is going to stand out. It is historic. This is truly an asset to our entire community.”

Other speakers included Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee), Milwaukee Ald. Bob Bauman, who district includes the downtown area, Federal Transit Administration Region 5 Administrator Kelley Brookins and Thierry Mallet, global CEO of Transdev, the company the city of Milwaukee hired to operate the streetcar.

While the officials were talking, hundreds of people lined up to be among the first to ride the streetcar Friday afternoon. The project’s first phase runs from the Milwaukee Intermodal Station, past the entrance to the 3rd Ward on St. Paul Avenue, through downtown and north to the lower east side on East Ogden Avenue.

Special activities were planned throughout the weekend along the route.

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