Wisconsin State Journal: Roll Call: Key votes from the Wisconsin congressional delegation this week

Wisconsin State Journal- Here's how members of Wisconsin's congressional delegation voted on major issues in the week ending April 21.
Here's how members of Wisconsin's congressional delegation voted on major issues in the week ending April 21.

Note: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, did not vote. By custom, the speaker does not vote except in rare circumstances.


IRS Technology Modernization: Voting 414-3, the House on April 18 passed a bill that would require a sweeping upgrade of Internal Revenue Service information systems to make it easier for taxpayers to communicate with the agency online and bolster IRS defenses against large-scale hacking operations as well as smaller schemes targeting the identities and refunds of individual taxpayers. A yes vote was to pass HR 5445.

Voting yes: Mark Pocan, D-2, Ron Kind, D-3, Gwen Moore, D-4, James Sensenbrenner, R-5, Glenn Grothman, R-6, Sean Duffy, R-7, Mike Gallagher, R-8

Disclosure of Trump Tax Returns: The House on April 18 blocked, 226-189, a parliamentary attempt by Democrats to force floor debate on a bill (HR 305) now in committee that would require presidents including Donald Trump and major-party presidential candidates to disclose their tax returns for the preceding three years. A yes vote was to quash the bid for disclosure.

Voting yes: Sensenbrenner, Grothman, Duffy, Gallagher

Voting no: Pocan, Kind

Not voting: Moore


Auto Lending Bias: Voting 51-47, the Senate on April 18 approved repeal of a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau action against "third party" car and truck loans that impose interest rates on minority borrowers that are higher than those offered other similarly qualified borrowers. Under third-party lending, finance companies originate loans that dealers arrange for their customers, with dealers adding a markup to the interest rate and sharing in interest proceeds. A yes vote backed repeal on grounds the bureau is prohibited by law from regulating auto dealers.

Voting yes: Ron Johnson, R

Voting no: Tammy Baldwin, D

Jim Bridenstine Confirmation: Voting 50-49, the Senate on April 19 confirmed Jim Bridenstine, a GOP congressman from Oklahoma and former naval aviator with combat experience, to head the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Democrats objected to a politician with no background in science taking charge of NASA, and also faulted Bridenstine over his skepticism that human activity causes climate-change and opposition to same-sex marriage. A yes vote was to confirm the nominee.

Voting yes: Johnson

Voting no: Baldwin

Carlos Muniz Confirmation: Voting 55-43, the Senate on April 18 confirmed Carlos G. Muniz, an attorney in private practice and former Florida deputy attorney general, as U.S. Department of Education general counsel. Democrats criticized Muniz over his support of policies to privatize public education and opposition to Florida joining other states in a suit alleging Trump University defrauded its students. A yes vote was to confirm the nominee.

Voting yes: Johnson

Voting no: Baldwin


The Senate will vote on judicial nominations in the week of April 23. The House's legislative schedule was to be announced.

Thomas Voting Reports, Inc.

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